Thursday 19 April 2012

What Kind of Party Politics Are You Interested In?

Being free from the command and control of Federal ties or 'Old Regime' dictates, Manitoba United can choose its own way of doing politics. Lets start now with a general question, being do you want:

A party based

- less on personalities and more on policies
- less on philosophy and more on practicality 
- less on adversarial rhetoric and more on collaborative energy  

Is this the kind of party 
you want to see?

Add comments and build out this list.

Manitoba United - Who Are We?

We offer a place to meet persons interested in forming stronger opposition to the Manitoba NDP regime currently in Government. This blog is the first step towards a robust and vibrant community which we must build together for the sake of our Province. Look here first for Manitoba United announcements and news.

Manitoba United is a grass-roots movement aiming to replace the Manitoba NDP regime with a better party, and much better governance, built upon the cooperative efforts of all who oppose the regime.

Manitoba United is not affiliated with any Federal Party, nor are we a top-down controlled organization headed by any current or former party elites. We are you, Manitobans for Manitoba. As such, Manitoba United is ready, willing, and able to craft policy and mechanisms for true Manitoban grass roots growth and guidance.

All persons supportive of a provincial political platform for and about Manitobans should follow this Blog.