Thursday 4 April 2013

Manitoba United will recognize resident's frustrations by putting a stronger emphasis on consumer protection.  
We will accomplish this by taking a more holistic approach and by grouping  Consumer Affairs, the Securities Commission  and a number of self governing professional associations under a single new Department and Minister.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Manitoba United will review the numerous existing boards and commissions and attempt to match the representation to the purpose. In particular the pro-development boards need to cease being solely civil servant driven.
We are from the government and we are here to help you

Manitoba United will support the development of a Driver Advocate. 

Saturday 23 March 2013

Manitoba United will start holding elections for at least half the seats on the parole board and although it may take some movement from the Feds to implement this at least there will be pressure to change.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Manitoba United will undertake new efforts to recycle hazardous and waste material within the Province rather than shipping it elsewhere. 

Manitoba United will review the Fairness Doctrines of AutoPac

We need to pay particular attention to the practice of collecting much higher fees than necessary and being forced to rebate them. As well a review must be undertaken of the practice of deliberately writing off vehicles at prices insufficient to allow the insured to replace a vehicle.   

Manitoba United will remove the fees for resident Fishing Licences

As it sits today a resident licence is under $15.00. The cost of issuing and tracking those licences must exceed the price of the document. as well there is a cost to individuals having to find an issuer and get in to buy one. It is a unnecessary waste. 

Friday 22 February 2013

Manitoba United is not afraid of Technical Change - We embrace the opportunity to be more Engaged and Efficient and Effective. 

Government has been old and stodgy when it comes to better technology for service delivery. We have to get with the rest of the world that expects more and better for less.  

Thursday 14 February 2013

Aboriginal Communities should not have to struggle on their own. Communities that want to  - can also be Manitoban Communities.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

When it comes to Dedicated Funds, Dedicated should not mean "Defraud"

When politicians dishonestly sell you a tax or a fee increase based on funding a specific high value need, too many times the hypocrites take the money and forget the commitment.  Manitoba United will establish segregated trust funds for limited and specific purposes when dealing with a new fee or tax designed to fund that purpose. As well, Manitoba United will establish sunset clauses so the collection of funds ceases when the need becomes properly addressed.

Monday 11 February 2013

Instead of a Senate, lets Stand the Idea on its Head - What a Reverse Senate Might Do 

Manitoba United is in favour of a reverse senate located below the level of the legislature to generate innovation, encourage new ideas and create improved governance.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Following the leader – It  is an old game and it is not much fun anymore.

From both a Provincial and a Civic perspective, elected members are becoming more and more irrelevant as the  Mayor and Premier use the tools of their office to reward sycophants and punish those who would dare to offer non-conforming ideas. Manitoba United will actively reduce the amount of command and control in both leader’s offices.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Manitoba United will take bold steps to to rethink Women's Shelters

A recent publication of Statistics Canada reported that Manitoba was going the wrong direction with the absolute worst record of any Province for the number of repeat users of  the public shelter system. It appears that the bigger the institution, the more it is open to enabling as opposed to confronting behaviour patterns