Saturday 23 March 2013

Manitoba United will start holding elections for at least half the seats on the parole board and although it may take some movement from the Feds to implement this at least there will be pressure to change.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Manitoba United will undertake new efforts to recycle hazardous and waste material within the Province rather than shipping it elsewhere. 

Manitoba United will review the Fairness Doctrines of AutoPac

We need to pay particular attention to the practice of collecting much higher fees than necessary and being forced to rebate them. As well a review must be undertaken of the practice of deliberately writing off vehicles at prices insufficient to allow the insured to replace a vehicle.   

Manitoba United will remove the fees for resident Fishing Licences

As it sits today a resident licence is under $15.00. The cost of issuing and tracking those licences must exceed the price of the document. as well there is a cost to individuals having to find an issuer and get in to buy one. It is a unnecessary waste.